Mobile Smartphone App

Perfectly informed everywhere via app!

The new standard for Smart Places

Where can I find what? Today’s visitors and employees expect easily accessible information via smartphone. With the MOBILE smartphone app, you offer them just that: a digital guide for their pocket.

Android, iOS and Web-App:

contagt is the complete mobile solution for your building

contagt works across all platforms. The app is available for free in the App Store and Play Store. But it can also be used directly in the browser without downloading. Simply scan a QR code – and you’re ready to go!

The core of the app:

Interactive map and live navigation

The MOBILE smartphone app helps people find their way around the site and in buildings. The 3D map gives them an overview; the live navigation helps them find their destination.

Our awarded cPS technology calculates the exact position of the user – even indoors and across several floors. This is made possible by a unique combination of different positioning technologies.


Interactive maps

Customised news and notifications

for an optimal visitor experience

Ensure a personal approach by switching location-based messages: With the help of notifications, you can realise interactive audio guides or event information, for instance.

As soon as a visitor enters an area with a geofence, the app automatically presents relevant content. Time-based campaigns and news can also be created with the EDITOR backend.


The most important thing is always in sight:

Save and share locations

With the MOBILE smartphone app, visitors can save destinations in a personal favourites list. For example, their parking space so that they can find their car again later. It is also possible to share positions with others – even over a period of time. You can see where your friends are live on the map and can easily arrange a meeting.


Bubble person 1
Bubble person 2

Inclusion all inclusive:

Accessibility thanks to smartphones

For people with disabilities, smartphones have become an important everyday tool. The devices support them, for example, at work or when travelling. The app is designed with this in mind. It contains, among other things:

Wheelchair friendly navigation

Audio in / output

Videos with sign language

Simple language


Further Highlights: MOBILE Smartphone App

Smooth transfer: The start of the app with correct start/destination data is possible via the TERMINAL kiosk system or links/QR codes in invitations.

Desired design: Within the platform you can customize colors, logos, images and the appearance of the cards and pick up your corporate design.

Custom Apps: If you want a completely independent app, we can implement it for you on the basis of the contagt SDK.

Multilingualism: The guide can include any number of languages. The app automatically adjusts to the language of the smartphone.

Round trips: Individually calculated tours with several stations suggest to visitors how the site can be explored.

More security: In an emergency, the contagt app serves as a mobile rescue plan or shows e.g. defibrillator locations.

Access protection: The guides can be provided with a password and time limit to restrict data access.

Module marketplace: Of course, you can integrate many more functions into your guide (e.g. a defect indicator).

Data protection: The MOBILE smartphone app complies with the GDPR. Users can use any data protection settings transparently and change them in a fine-grained manner.

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