Browse F.A.Q. Topics

Data Privacy

  • Can you control access to the guides?

    contagt offers several access levels via different API keys, certificates or passwords, so that Guides can generally allow different levels of detail for different users. Guides can therefore be password-protected.

  • Does contagt collect personal data?

    No. Data privacy is very important to us. By default, contagt does not capture any personal user data. If users share statistical data via opt-in, these data will be strictly anonymized. The contagt solution is based on the open project “OpenStreetMap” and does therefore not use commercial map services such as Google Maps.

  • Where is contagt being hosted?

    contagt is being hosted in a high-security data center in Germany. The software does not leave Germany unless clients ask contagt to do so. For the hosting contract, German law, in particular the German Data Protection Law, Civil Code (BGB), and Commercial Code (HGB), applies exclusively. On request, contagt can provide a German “ADV contract” guaranteeing high-security data processing. It is also generally possible to operate the software on local servers.


  • Who installs the beacons on-site?

    This can e.g. be taken over by facility managers or building technicians. Here, contagt is available to advise. If no staff is available or if this is not desired, contagt can also take over the installation.

  • Wir benötigen eine spezielle Funktionalität. Kann contagt auch neue Funktionen für uns entwickeln?

    Obwohl contagt bereits viele Funktionen umgesetzt hat und Zusatz-Module über den Marktplatz anbietet, kann es natürlich sein, dass Sie sich weitere Funktionen wünschen. Womöglich haben wir diese schon für einen anderen Kunden in ähnlicher Form umgesetzt. Gerne analysieren wir Ihren Anwendungsfall inclusive Bedürfnisse und Wünsche aller Stakeholder und entwickeln die gewünschten Funktionen in-house. Nehmen Sie hierzu einfach Kontakt mit uns auf.

  • Can the customer create and maintain location-based and time-based messages himself with the CMS from contagt?

    Yes. Our user-friendly backend allows you to manage notifications.

  • I would like to resell contagt’s solution. Is there an affiliate program?

    We already maintain various partnerships in German-speaking countries and are of course interested in expanding this network further in order to make our solution better known. Thank you for your interest in our partner program. Simply contact us if you would like to add our products to your portfolio.


  • How long does it take to digitize the building and site maps?

    This depends on the scope and complexity of the plans. As a rule, a building with around 10,000 square meters and 500 POIs (destinations) takes a few working days to create user-friendly maps. In order to make the maps operational, there are many more steps such as creating accessible routes, storing additional information, etc.

  • Who is planning the locations of the beacons?

    Usually contagt takes over the conceptualization in coordination with the customer. Here it is important to consider the different requirements for precision in order to create the most cost-efficient solution possible tailored to the requirement profile.

  • Wir benötigen eine spezielle Funktionalität. Kann contagt auch neue Funktionen für uns entwickeln?

    Obwohl contagt bereits viele Funktionen umgesetzt hat und Zusatz-Module über den Marktplatz anbietet, kann es natürlich sein, dass Sie sich weitere Funktionen wünschen. Womöglich haben wir diese schon für einen anderen Kunden in ähnlicher Form umgesetzt. Gerne analysieren wir Ihren Anwendungsfall inclusive Bedürfnisse und Wünsche aller Stakeholder und entwickeln die gewünschten Funktionen in-house. Nehmen Sie hierzu einfach Kontakt mit uns auf.

  • Can the customer create and maintain location-based and time-based messages himself with the CMS from contagt?

    Yes. Our user-friendly backend allows you to manage notifications.

  • I would like to resell contagt’s solution. Is there an affiliate program?

    We already maintain various partnerships in German-speaking countries and are of course interested in expanding this network further in order to make our solution better known. Thank you for your interest in our partner program. Simply contact us if you would like to add our products to your portfolio.

  • How to create guides?

    If you want to display the map of a building with contagt, a guide must be created at first. For this purpose, the corresponding floor plans must be inserted into the system. This is typically done by contagt. However, it is also possible for users to create guides by themselves. This requires basic knowledge in CAD software and JOSM. You can find a (German) tutorial on how to proceed with the guide creation here.

  • What has to be installed in the building?

    That depends on your specific needs: for the routing function, you do not need any equipment in the building. However, there is of course the option to deploy a stationary touchscreen terminal which can show the map of the area. In order to allow guests manual positioning, tags with QR codes and/or NFC chips can be mounted e.g. on wayfinding signs. Users can scan these tags and easily determine their current position. If a continuous and automatic indoor positioning is wished for, Bluetooth beacons must be installed in the building. Additionally, the contagt solution can use the already existing WiFi intrastructure in buildings for positioning (but this is not mandatory).

  • What exactly is indoor positioning?

    Indoor positioning refers to the localization of people and objects within buildings. Due to the lack of visual contact with the GPS satellites, GPS does not work reliably indoors. For this reason, other positioning technologies (e.g. BLE beacons, WiFi or sensors on smartphones have to be used.

  • What exactly is indoor navigation?

    Indoor navigation basically includes the same functions as outdoor navigation, only inside buildings, where regular outdoor navigation via GPS no longer works. As usual, users can be navigated from their current location or a freely chosen starting point to a selected destination. To do this, they receive live turn-by-turn instructions that indicate, for example, when and where the user has to turn. This live navigation can be done using a smartphone or tablet. As an add-on or alternative, static navigation with a route overview can be called up on a terminal. The traditional way of receiving directions via paper maps or information desks is supplemented by a digital solution from contagt.

  • What is special about the maps of the contagt guides?

    The contagt OSM map engine is vector-tile-based and high-performance. Zooming, rotating, tilting in 3D etc. takes place without reloading, the guides are correctly located on the world map.

  • What are the basic requirements for live navigation inside buildings?

    If you want to offer live navigation with turn-by-turn instructions, you need a mobile app in addition to the beacon infrastructure. Alternatively, the static navigation with route preview can also be played on terminals or a web browser.

  • What happens if the smartphone has no data connection?

    Depending on the thickness and number of walls as well as the quality of the network provider, data connection can sometimes lack inside buildings. Solving this problem, contagt provides intelligent data caching and offline functionality: even if there is no data connection in the building, contagt will always have the navigation data available thanks to smart caching. Wherever you go, contagt just works.

  • How does contagt work basically?

    contagt is a combined indoor/outdoor navigation solution. In outdoor areas, contagt determines the user’s position via GPS satellite signal. In indoor areas, the proprietary CPS (“contagt Positioning System”) takes over, combining different positioning technologies. Next to the sensors of the smartphone and location markers (QR and/or NFC tags), CPS uses radio signals from WiFi routers and Bluetooth beacons for position calculation. As a result, contagt allows seamless navigation from outdoor to indoor areas with an accuracy of up to 1-2 m.


  • On which platforms can a contagt guide be displayed?

    All contagt solutions access the same database. With easily entered data, guides can be displayed on many platforms such as Android, iOS, desktop and browsers. A terminal solution is also available with which stationary information on the surroundings can be provided for visitors without their own device or as an entry point.

  • How accurate is the indoor positioning?

    The accuracy of the positioning depends to a large extent on the architectural conditions, such as height and size, building material, etc. Using a hybrid approach in which we combine different technologies and beacon planning by our experts, we achieve a position accuracy that is suitable for the application. Many of our customers also opt for the partial installation of beacons in order to automatically trigger location-based content.

  • How does contagt avoid interference from wifi?

    Due to the relatively high transmission power of the beacons and the short distances, there is hardly any interference. contagt has also tested the system in trade fair environments with hundreds of WiFis.

    Also the other way around, the BLE grid does not disrupt the WiFi infrastructure. The very short beacon frames at very long intervals (approx. 250-300 ms, depending on the configuration) are negligible for the activity of a WiFi network. 5GHz WiFi networks do not collide at all.


  • We already have an app. Can the contagt solution be integrated into our existing app?

    Since contagt also offers SDKs and APIs, the functions can be quickly and easily integrated into existing apps, websites and / or kiosks.

  • On which platforms can a contagt guide be displayed?

    All contagt solutions access the same database. With easily entered data, guides can be displayed on many platforms such as Android, iOS, desktop and browsers. A terminal solution is also available with which stationary information on the surroundings can be provided for visitors without their own device or as an entry point.

  • How accurate is the indoor positioning?

    The accuracy of the positioning depends to a large extent on the architectural conditions, such as height and size, building material, etc. Using a hybrid approach in which we combine different technologies and beacon planning by our experts, we achieve a position accuracy that is suitable for the application. Many of our customers also opt for the partial installation of beacons in order to automatically trigger location-based content.

  • How does contagt avoid interference from wifi?

    Due to the relatively high transmission power of the beacons and the short distances, there is hardly any interference. contagt has also tested the system in trade fair environments with hundreds of WiFis.

    Also the other way around, the BLE grid does not disrupt the WiFi infrastructure. The very short beacon frames at very long intervals (approx. 250-300 ms, depending on the configuration) are negligible for the activity of a WiFi network. 5GHz WiFi networks do not collide at all.

  • What are Bluetooth beacons (“iBeacons”)?

    Bluetooth beacons are small radio transmitters that broadcast their own identity numbers as a simple Bluetooth signal. This signal can be received and interpreted by smartphones, e.g. to get location-based messages or to calculate positions based on signal strengths. Thus, the logic and intelligence is implemented in the receiving devices – beacons themselves cannot send messages or collect and store user data. Battery-powered beacons can operate for several years. It is also possible to connect beacons directly to the power grid. Apple’s beacon standard is called “iBeacon”, Google’s standard is called “Eddystone”.

  • What are QR codes?

    Quick Response codes (QR codes) are binary codes which can be read by smartphone cameras and can provide information for further processing. By scanning a QR code, you can e.g. directly view certain web pages or download apps. In the contagt solution, they fulfill the same function as NFC chips. On the one hand, they determine the current location. On the other hand, they can be used to initially download the application, or automatically start the app.

  • What are NFC chips?

    Near Field Communication (NFC) is a rather new wireless data transmission technology which can be found in most new smartphones. NFC chips work passively without power supply over short distances of about 5 cm. In the contagt solution, they transmit location data by a simple short tap with the smartphone. NFC launches the application automatically or initially downloads it. Please note: currently, NFC only works on Android phones, not on iOS smartphones (Apple iPhone).