Indoor and outdoor –

the entire world in map form

Indoor Maps

Outdoor Maps

Digital Guides

Smart digital presence instead of paper cards.

contagt brings your building to websites and apps.

How? Nothing could be easier! You send us your building and terrain plans, and we use them to create a digital guide with interactive maps.

The guide contains the data of your location and provides destinations with texts, pictures and videos. In short, it provides an overview of all relevant information.

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Bye bye Google Maps, Apple Maps & Co.!

contagt is the secure alternative.

contagt is based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) and does completely without US map services. The map servers of contagt are operated in high security data centers in Germany. There is no publication obligation for the maps.

No personal data is collected from users. An evaluation for advertising purposes does not take place. All analyses are anonymized and comply with the strict German data protection regulations.

For you this means: contagt 3D Maps & Guides support your digital sovereignty!

Integratable everywhere:

The unified map base for all your digital services.

Do you want to include a location map on your website? No problem – with the 3D Maps & Guides HTML snippet this is implemented in a few minutes! Furthermore, the maps can be displayed in stationary kiosk systems or in mobile smartphone apps.

With just one single map set, contagt enables all imaginable applications. Whether preparing for a visit from home or exploring on site: Our guides ensure the best orientation.


Further Highlights: 3D Maps & Guides

Digitalization Service: Only maps available in paper form? No problem! contagt can convert analog material into digital guides.

Geo-referencing: All objects are correctly located on the world map and can be addressed in 3D. So you can easily share positions.

Live Navigation: contagt’s maps can be enhanced with indoor/outdoor location, smart routing and navigation.

Multiple locations: contagt supports an unlimited number of buildings that can be maintained centrally.

No long wait: Thanks to their small size of only 150-300 KB, the guides are loaded in seconds.

Intuitive operation: No more twisted heads: contagt 3D Maps can be freely moved, zoomed, rotated, flipped and clicked.

Access protection: Guides can be password and time limited to restrict access to map (sections).

Update by click: You can make changes in the map and route data yourself in the editor backend.

Software Hosted in Germany: contagt complies with the GDPR. The entire process chain is covered by order processing contracts (GCP).

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